Local Services
Fort McMurray Services
Immigrant Settlement Services
YMCA runs this program in partnership with provincial and federal governments providing assistance to newcomers to integrate in Fort McMurray, programs offered include English Welcome to Canada classes are run at the YMCA on Hardin Street Building, Basement Floor every Wednesday from 1-3 pm, translation/interpreter services and free Notary services also available.
Address: Hardin Street Building, Basement Floor 106B 9816 Hardin St., Fort McMurray, AB T9H 4K3. Contact: 780 743-2970
English Language and Citizenship Prep Courses
Keyano College runs several programs:
- Write Break Volunteer Tutor Adult Literacy Program. Contact: Jeannette Wanchuk at 780-791-8943 or jeannette.wanchuk@keyano.ca
- LINC Program (Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada) and Citizenship Exam Prep. Contact: Valorie Kenny, English@keyano.ca, 780-792-5706,
- Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program, testing for those interested in becoming Canadian Citizens.
Fort McMurray Public Library
English Conversational Classes are run at the Fort McMurray Library at MacDonald Island Park.
Tuesday 10:30am-12:00pm Wednesday 7:00pm-8.30pm Thursday’s 1.30pm-3:00pm.
Employment Services
Job search, resume development, employer connections, exposure courses (CSTS, OSSA, H2S Alive etc.), career counseling, training, employment related financial supports with confirmed employment (acquiring work boots, clothing for work, tools etc.) available at following locations:
- Alberta Works-Main Floor Provincial Building Contact: 780-743-7164
- YMCA Employment Contact: 780-743-2970
- CHOICES Employment Services, Contact: 780-791-3009
- Careers Next Generation (Registered Apprenticeship Program Contact: 780-743-7150
Financial Supports
Job search, resume development, employer connections, exposure courses (CSTS, OSSA, H2S Alive etc.), career counseling, training, employment related financial supports with confirmed employment (acquiring work boots, clothing for work, tools etc.) available at following locations:
- Income Support (Alberta Works/Alberta Human Services)
Must meet all eligibility criteria and provide all necessary documentation at assessment Contact: 780-743-7164
One time emergency assistance (eviction, utility disconnection, travel, prescriptions etc.)
Ongoing financial supports due to documented medical issues (if ineligible for EI) - Income Support After Hours Emergency Line Contact: 1-866-644-6995
- Child Care Subsidy- Child & Family Services Contact: 1-877-644-9992
- Alberta Adult/Child Health Benefit (Blue Cross for Low Incomes) Contact: 1-877-644- 9992,
Wood Buffalo Housing & Development Corporation (affordable housing, social housing, market value program, direct rent supplement program) Contact: 780-743-4140
Housing First Initiative (Community Plan on Homelessness-to assist those who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless by providing funded housing while transitioning the individual to employment):
YMCA (Housing First for Immigrants) Contact: 780-743-2970
Salvation Army Contact: 780-743-4135
McMan Youth and Family Community Services Association Contact: 780-743-1110
CHOICES Contact: 780-791-3009
Centre of Hope Contact: 780-743-3912
Temporary Shelter Accommodations
Salvation Army Emergency Men’s Shelter has 32 spaces where men can stay up to 21 days while they look for work. Once they are working they may be able to stay for a maximum of 90 days while they find other living arrangements Contact: 780-743-4135
Marshall House Contact: 780-715-1870
Stepping Stones (Youth Shelter) Contact: 780-790-2290
The Fort McMurray Family Crisis Society– Unity House (Women’s Shelter) Contact: 780-843-1190
Landlord and Tenant
Landlord & Tenant Advisory Office, Contact : 780-743-5000
Mental Health and Drug Addictions
Canadian Mental Health Association- advice, advocacy through support workers. Offers workshops including Adult Anger Management, Stress Management, Youth Anger Management. Contact Norah at famsupport@woodbuffalo.cmha.ab.ca
Kids and Drugs Prevention Program, Alberta Health Services Facilitator Contact 780-714-5637 or carolyn.evancio@albertahealthservices.ca
Alberta Human Services, offers advice, advocacy, counseling, assisting individuals in crisis, connecting to supports in the community, accessing addictions counseling and treatment, support for individuals with mental health issues, providing temporary financial assistance,
Mental Health Services (Northern Lights Hospital) Contact: 780-743-6161
The Positive Parenting Program or Triple P is offered in conjunction with the HUB Family Resource Centres and the YMCA. Free individual private consultations are available by appointment.
Cross Cultural Parent Program being offered by the Multicultural Association for new Canadian parents.
Runs Friday and Saturday from 6-8:30 p.m. at the HUB on Franklin (downtown).
Crisis Management
Family Crisis Society Contact: fcs.early.intervention@shaw.ca or 780-843-1190
Crisis Management Hotline Contact: 1-800-779-5057
Violence and Bullying
Prevention of Family Violence & Bullying Council, Contact: j_vince@telus.net or 780-310-1818.
Bullying Info Line 1-888-456-2323
Islamic Religious Counseling
Imam and Community affairs team members are available to assist people as required.Contact Markaz at: http://markazulislam.com/contact-us