Surah Al-Baqara Verse 110
And establish prayer and give zakah, and whatever good you put forward for yourselves - you will find it with Allah. Indeed, Allah of what you do, is Seeing.
About Us
Charity Number: 119033389 RR 0001
Markaz-Ul-Islam, is a Muslim Congregation and a registered Canadian Charity founded in 1984. It is situated in Fort McMurray, Alberta. There are two Masjids, one is located in the downtown area(9904 Gordon Avenue) and was built in 1989. The other Masjid has been an ongoing project since 2007 and was opened for use in 2018. It is located uptown(109 Abraham Pl.) .
Fort McMurray can be considered the heart of the Oil Sand Industry. The Muslim population in Fort McMurray has increased exponentially over the years. Muslims work in the oil sand industry and other sectors of public life including in the IT sector, medical services, engineering, accounting & finance, private businesses, transportation and the general service industry.
Our Mission
We strive to be a vibrant, contributing, and outreaching Muslim community within Fort McMurray, Alberta.
Our Board
Our Board of directors is group of highly-experienced professionals who are running Markaz-Ul-Islam with religious affiliation.
Our Work
We offer the educational programs for teens as well as adults through our community development and recreation services.
Resident Scholars
Shaykh Ameen
ZahyaanImam & Counsellor
Shaykh Abdurrahmann
MuradScholar & Counsellor